Heron Herald Term 4, Week 2, 2022

Kia ora koutou,

This term, we are excited to open our refurbished hall kitchen! We have loved seeing students begin to use the space for food technology through classrooms and the Garden to Table programme. It will also be wonderful to see the kitchen used at this weekend’s PTA Quiz Night and the Night Market later this term.
We are incredibly thankful for the support of the PTA, Board of Trustees and broader community to see this project completed. One of the challenges we faced in the building process was sourcing Gib Board! The project was stalled at one stage with the possibility of the construction process being delayed for 3 months. We are thankful to Generation Homes and Placemakers Mount Maunganui, who supported us in sourcing Gib Board directly and at a brilliant cost. This enabled us to keep the project on track. I would also like to thank Kitchen Things, who supplied us with the kitchen fittings at a very competitive price, along with donating a new set of pots and pans for the new induction hobs.


Classes & Teams, 2023

As you will be aware, we have a change in the organisation of classes for 2023. Our Minis and Senior teams will continue as they have; however, our middle school will be comprised of a Year 2/3 team and a Year 4 team. With this being the first time we will have Year 2 and Year 3 students learning together, you may have some questions about what this looks like for your child. We would like to share some information on why we see this change as a positive one.
Our new Year 2/3 teaching team has been built with a focus on meeting the learning needs of Year 2 and 3 students. The team includes teachers who either currently work in our Y3/4 classrooms or have experience in the older years.
Learning is designed in all classrooms to respond to the needs and stages of the children in them. Therefore the learning in the Year 2/3 classrooms will look different to a straight Year 2 team this year.
Year 2/3 combinations are a natural fit for the NZ Curriculum – it is designed that way. While we are used to Year 3 and 4 children working together at Matua School, from a curriculum perspective, Year 2/3 teams are commonly grouped together in NZ schools.

Teaching Teams

In 2023 we will be farewelling teachers and welcoming two new faces to the team. Hannah Newton will be taking refreshment leave for the year, and Whitney Coers is finishing at Matua so she can travel. We also farewell Suzanne Tawharu, who is moving down south! We are sad to see these fabulous teachers moving on and wish them the best for 2023 and the future.
We welcome two new teachers to the team. Mariska van Staden is an experienced teacher that joins us from Tauranga Primary. Vicky Nelson also comes to us with a wide range of experience and joins us from Selwyn Ridge. The teaching teams for 2023 are as follows :

Karina Tinholt
Sarah Reid
Jennie Gordon
Vanessa Millar
Scott Pratt
Lindsay Crisp
Courtney Martin
Cath Henderson
Emma Bryant
Vicky Nelson
Fiona Matthews
Nikki Reid
Charlotte Ketel
Laura Thompson
Robyn Carlisle
Erin Clarke
Mariska van Staden
Andy Cochrane
Joe Hill
Charmaine Garner

Nga mihi,

Marcus Norrish


On Tuesday 15th November at 5:30pm, we are holding a parent information evening.  The focus of this event will be on the development of structured literacy at Matua School.  Please mark this on your calendar and watch out for @School Messages next week with more information.


Scholastic Books

Last day for Scholastic Book Club Issue 7 is Wednesday 2 November.  This will be the last issue for the year for Matua School.  Pre Covid there was a week turnaround of orders.  However this year, due to staffing shortages, expect orders to take roughly two weeks to receive.

Looking for a volunteer to oversee the Scholastic Book Club for Matua School for 2023.  It requires sending out book issue forms to classrooms (once a term), sending away orders on the due date (just a push of the button!!) and coordinating a helpful group of students and parents to unpack and sort the orders when they arrive.  It’s a great way to see what children are reading, and what is available through Scholastics.  Anyone interested please phone Tracey via the school office (07 576 9027) or by emailing library@matua.school.nz.  The library will happily support this role.

End of Year Dates

The school library will close mid way through term 4.  All school backs are due back by the latest Friday 18 November.  These can be returned through school library times or by placing books in the returns box by the library front door.  The library is always open for returns in the morning and after school.

If anyone is interested in shelving books and other housekeeping tasks – we are looking for assistance anytime you can give during Week 6 starting Monday 21 November.  Stock take will start during Week 7 and will require morning or afternoon helpers on the following days

Tuesday 29 November 9.30am – 12.00pm and 1.00pm – 3.00pm

Wednesday 30 November 9.30am – 12.00pm and 1.00pm – 3.00pm

Thursday 1 December 9.30am – 12.00pm and 1.00pm – 3.00pm

Remember, the Tauranga City Library Bus is available every Tuesday in Matua from 1.30pm to 4.10pm.  It is outside the bowling club on Levers Road on 8 November, 22 November and 6 December.  Alternate weeks you will find the bus on Tilby Drive.  The next dates are 1 November, 15 November, 29 November and 13 December

“I can feel infinitely alive curled up on the sofa reading a book.”– Benedict



This week our Minis team have been learning about Diwali, and finished today by celebrating with a colour run! Thanks to Whaea Abha for setting up the colour run obstacle course and sharing something of her culture with the team.



Looking forward to using the school pool over summer? Yay!

For your key, there are 3 steps to follow:

1. Go ahead and register on the pool webpage first: https://www.matua.school.nz/pool/

2. Then return to Kindo to make your payment for $100 ($75 for the season + $25 refundable key deposit): https://shop.tgcl.co.nz/shop/index.html

3. Then come in to the school office and pick up your key any time during school hours, from Thursday the 3rd November onwards.



The middle team are back into assemblies and celebrating these superstar learners demonstrating the Matua Learner attributes!


Our spring sport season is off to a flying start with basketball having started on the first day back this term! Most other sports don’t start till around the week 3 mark so I am busy working on teams. I know people get a little funny when they haven’t heard about teams but please trust that I am working on this. Rippa Rugby is a popular sport for our children and with over 100 registrations for Rippa alone I have a fair bit of organising and accommodating to do. With that being said, we need more coaches! Our teams cannot work without the support and encouragement from parents and that is all that is required.
The starting dates for our Term 4 sports are as follows:
Volleyball – Friday 28th October
T-Ball & Softball – Saturday 29th October
Rippa Rugby – Tuesday 1st November
Mini Polo – Tuesday 8th November
Our children are busy practicing their athletics skills with each team holding their own version of an athletics day later on in the term. Our senior students who qualify in the top 2 or 3 for each event will then go forward to East Cluster Athletics to represent Matua School. If successful here they will then move on to represent the school and the cluster at WBOP Athletics Champs.
If your child still has a sports uniform from last term and is no longer needing it this term can I please ask that these are returned. We have a huge number of students who require them this term.
Sports fees will be loaded onto Kindo by the end of the week. Can I please ask that these are paid as soon as possible.
Good luck to everyone playing sport and participating in the school athletics days this term.
Nga mihi
Stacey Sutherland


A friendly reminder that school is not open until 8.30am. If you require childcare before these hours, please contact SKIDS either by email – matua@skids.co.nz, phone – 027 586 0408, or book online – www.skids.co.nz/Matua.


Fun First Football are back with their awesome Programme at Matua Primary in Term 4 every Thursday after school on our School Field for kids aged 4-9yrs old! To join, or for a Free Trial, go to https://funfirstfootball.co.nz




Our second hand uniform shop is now up and running again. This is available every Wednesday afternoon from 2.45pm – 3.15pm. Cash or eftpos available.


Lunch orders are available for delivery to Matua School each Friday.

We have two options available – The Matua Cafe and Subway


Simply order your SUBWAY lunch online through you myKindo account by CLICKING HERE

Order (or cancel) any time before 9:00am on the day or schedule in advance.

Help? Visit support.mykindo.co.nz or call 09-869 5200 Mon-Fri, 8:00am to 4:00pm.


For Friday lunches from the Matua Cafe, place your order at the Cafe before 9:30am.  Orders will be delivered to school and handed out at the hall entrance at lunchtime.

To view the Matua Cafe & Eatery MENU, follow THIS LINK


Term 1, 2022 – Tuesday 1st February 2022 – Wednesday 13th April

Term 2, 2022 – Monday 2nd May – Friday 8th July

Term 3, 2022 – Monday 25th July – Friday 30th September

Term 4, 2022 – Monday 17th October – Thursday 15th December (12:30pm finish)

First Day of School 2023 – Tuesday 31st January


Our School App

We have a school app to keep you up to date with events and notifications. Click on the button below to check it out.


Setting up with Kindo

Kindo is our prefered payments system. To help you learn how it works, we’ve added their new help sheet and video. We hope it helps.


