Kia ora koutou,
This week has been a busy one for teachers, with Learner Conferences being spread across four days. This year we have changed the way to arrange these personalised meetings. We see this as valuable time to connect as Parents, Teachers and Students to learn about each other, set goals and support children to take ownership of their learning. It’s a long week for teachers as they continue to teach full-time, with all the preparation that goes along with that.
Thank you to those parents who took the time to book your Learner Conferences through Hero and attended the meetings with your child. We hope that it was a valuable use of your time. As we wrap this week up, we would appreciate your feedback on the experience, so please complete the short survey below.
All the best to the Rākau Team classes heading off to camp over the next couple of weeks. This is an exciting time, with so much learning that comes from the experience. Thanks to all those parents who are taking time off work to help make the camps happen!
It’s exciting to see the new classroom construction making significant progress. The project timeline is on track to have the classrooms handed over to the school at the end of this term. These rooms will be known as Rooms 22 and 23, with the two Kākano classes currently up on the hill moving down for the start of Term 2.
Ngā mihi nui
Marcus Norrish
Helen is Matua School’s Premium Sponsor
Want to buy or sell a house? Give her a call – she’s really nice!
We love seeing children outside, exploring, playing and working together.
These Māhuri students were awarded with team certificates at our assembly, this week.
They have made a tremendous effort to settle into new classes and participate actively in their learning. Keep up the fabulous work!
Summer team sport has got off to a great start. We have 10 Rippa Rugby, 2 Volleyball and 2 FlippaBall teams entered into competitions. Ngā mihi nui to all our whānau that are helping manage, coach and support these teams. It is so appreciated by us and the children!
BOP Rugby came into the school, ran a few drills and played some games with a large group of kids from all years at lunchtime. It was great to see everyone having so much fun!
A couple of fun opportunities:
First and this Saturday! the Pahoia School Apata Have a go Try-Athalon details on the attached flyer. 5-13 yr olds
Canoe Slalom
Have a Go Day, FREE!!!
Saturday the 8th March, Waimarino. 9-15 year olds please see attached flyer for more info, contact and registration details.
Classes have a 45 minute library session during the week with their teachers. Junior classes are allowed to issue one book at a time, while middle and senior classes can issue two books. Books are issued for two weeks, but may be returned before then. There is a return box located by the entry doors. Middle and senior children may also return and issue books at lunchtime.
Once a book is more than a week overdue you will begin to receive reminder emails. If you are unable to find a book please ask your child to search the classroom and classroom library, as well as to see me ((sometimes books are returned to the school library without being scanned). We ask for a $10 donation towards the replacement of lost books. If the book is subsequently found this money will be returned to you.
The library is open to students every lunchtime except Friday for quiet reading. The library is a quiet space for colouring, puzzles and board/card games also. Students use the library activity timetable on the library door to see whether it is their day for colouring. Senior School Librarians are vital to help run the lunchtime time activities. They work a lunchtime slot and are kept busy caring for the library and assisting library-goers.
I am always very grateful for parent help/grandparent help. Please come and see me or email me, if you have time to give to the library. Some fiddly and meticulous jobs can also be done at home (taping and covering new books), while other jobs can be completed at any time of the school day (helping librarians with the overflow of books to be shelved or shelves to be tidied). I am also on the lookout for helpers once a term to sort Scholastic Book Orders. It’s also a time to catch up over a staffroom coffee with others and glimpse at the multitude of books scholastic has on offer.
Warmest Regards to all
Tracey Donovan-Grammer
Scholastic Book Club
Once a term your child will bring home a Scholastic Book Club catalogue. Scholastic Book Club Issue 2 will be handed out to students very soon.
Our school receives 20% of the price of each book purchased through the Scholastic Book Club. In turn, the scholastic dollars are used to purchase books and literacy resources for the school. There are many fantastic books available at reasonable prices, but please do not feel pressured by your child to purchase from the Book Club Catalogues. This is a resource offered to the community.
Orders are made online with credit card payment using the scholastic loop (you can also download the scholastic loop app). The school does not accept cash. If you would like the book or purchase to be a gift, click the gift tab when ordering online, and we will contact you when the order arrives at the school office. Books purchased will be handed out to children in their classrooms unless they are gifts which are picked up from the office.
We are in the process of looking at our roll growth classes.
If you have a child who is turning 5 within the next 12 months, please can you complete an Intention To Enrol Form by clicking on the following link.
Our wonderful Art Teacher, Mrs Jenni Scott is on the look out for supplies for the art room.
If you have any of the following, please can you drop them into the school office.
- An old sewing machine – In Good Working Order
- Old Pieces of felt
- Baking paper or kitchen towel cardboard rolls
- Wooden cotton reels
- Newspaper – without staples
Designgroup Stapleton Elliott (DGSE) is an award-winning architect practice with studios spread across Aotearoa. Formed by a large team with diverse backgrounds and skill sets, their services include Architecture, Interior Architecture, Master Planning, and Landscape Architecture. Acknowledging the weight of their responsibility as architects, a deep understanding of people, place, and culture are at the heart of their design processes.
A friendly reminder that school is not open until 8.30am. If you require childcare before these hours, please contact SKIDS either by email –, phone – 027 586 0408, or book online –
Lunch orders are available for delivery to Matua School each Friday.
Simply order your SUBWAY lunch online through you myKindo account by CLICKING HERE
Order (or cancel) any time before 9:00am on the day or schedule in advance.
Help? Visit or call 09-869 5200 Mon-Fri, 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Term 1, 2025 – Monday 3rd February – Friday 11th April
Waitangi Day – Thursday 6th February
Teacher Only Day – Monday 17th March
Term 2 – Monday 28th April – Friday 27th June
Teacher Only Day – Friday 30th May
Kings Birthday – Monday 2nd June
Matariki – Friday 20th June
Term 3 – Monday 14th July – Friday 19th September
Term 4 – Monday 6th October – Last day of term yet to be set
Labour Day – Monday 27th October
Setting up with Kindo
Kindo is our prefered payments system. To help you learn how it works, we’ve added their new help sheet and video. We hope it helps.